أسرة المعهد

سوزان عازار

د. سوزان فؤاد عازار

معهد العلوم الاجتماعية - الجامعة اللبنانية



Suzanne AZAR

Email: suzanneaazar@gmail.com




1994:              Diplôme d’Université (Master’s degree) in “Health economics, Demography and Social Security”, René Descartes University, Paris V, Sorbonne.

1995:              PhD. Social Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences-II, Lebanese University, Beirut.





1997-2018:   Associate professor. Lebanese University, Social Sciences Institute-II (Main subjects: Development, Social policies, Solidarity Economy, Project Management).

2011-2012:  Visiting scholar at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)/Center for Health Policy Research (Fulbright scholarship).

1996-1998:  Associate professor- Lebanese University, School of Law and Political Sciences.

1996-2004:   Associate professor. St. Joseph University, Beirut.

1996-2000:   Researcher (socio-economic studies), freelance, Reach Mass Institute, Beirut.

1994-1995:   Researcher. Center of Research and Documentation in Health Economics (CREDES), 1 rue Paul Cézanne, Paris 8.

1989-1993:    Editor, local newspapers and TV, Beirut/Lebanon. 




Arabic, French, English.

Spanish, Italian (fair working knowledge).






  • Azar S. (2015). Family Policy: Challenges, Typologies and Models. Les Sciences Sociales, No 18 mars (in french).


  • Azar S. (2016). Family Policy in Lebanon: Evolution and Redistributive Impact. Les Sciences Sociales (in French).


  • Azar, S. & Feghali, K. (2006). One Vote Several Readings. Anthologie. Beirut. (Arabic).


  • Kahi, H. & Azar, S. (1999). Decentralization Approach in Treating Drug Addiction. St. Joseph University, International Federation of Catholic Universities (in French).


  • Kahi, A. & Azar, S. (1999). Political participation of women in Lebanon. Fondación Promoción de la cultura & René Mouawad Institution, Beirut. (French).


  • Azar, S. (2000). National Choices and Health, their Functions, Costs and Social Effects. Paper presented at the UNDP conference on linking economic growth and social development in Lebanon, Beirut. (French).


  • Kahi, A., Khoury J. & Azar, S. (2004). Religious Values in Lebanon. NDU, Beirut. (French).


  • Hamdan, K. Azar, S., Kahi, A. (1999). Financing Primary Education in Lebanon. World Bank, Ministry of Education. Beirut. (Arabic).


  • Azar S., & Kahi, A. (1998). AIDS and City Disorders. Chroniques Sociales. Annales. Travail Social et Recherche, Vol-I/No 11/12 (USJ). (French).


  • Azar S., & al. (1996-2000). Public concern studies. Series of researches for Notre Dame de Louaizeh University (NDU). (Arabic).


  • Azar, S. (1996). Health policy in Lebanon since 1945. Anthologie, Beirut. (French).


  • Evaluation of the project “Reproductive Health and Socio-economic Situation of Woman in Rural Areas in Lebanon”, for “AMEL” Association/Population Concern, Beirut, 1999.


  • Juvenile delinquency in Lebanon (2000). UNDCP. (French).


  • Evaluation of “Crop substitution program in Baalbeck-el-Hermel”. (Research and consultation Institute/UNDP, 2000.


  • Evaluation of the “microcredit program for the displaced in the Chouf” for “Caritas-Liban” with “InterAction consulting”, 2000.



مقالات مرتبطة

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