أسرة المعهد

هلا عواضة (CV)

د. هلا عواضة

معهد العلوم الاجتماعية - الجامعة اللبنانية




Nationality: Lebanese 

Address:             Salloum Bldg., Motran Shibli Street, Mina El Hosn, Beirut, Lebanon 

Phone:               Mobile: + 961-3- 891895 / Home: + 961-1-371899

                                               Email:                haawada@yahoo.com 



2010-2016   Ph.D. in Sociology at the Institute of Social Sciences/Lebanese University. Doctoral

                     School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences.

                  Thesis title: Knowledge Production Case study: Institute of Social Sciences, Lebanese University.


2002-2005    D.E.A in Local Development and Cultural Sociology. Institute of Social Sciences

                     Lebanese   University (L.U.),

  Thesis title:Banning the Typography with the Arab letter centered in the Arab and

   the Ottoman Provinces.


2001-2002   MA in Social Sciences and Local Development Institute of Social Sciences,

                     Lebanese University (L.U.), Lebanon.

                    Thesis title: The Structural Obstacles that face the Advocacy Organizations.


1998-2001    Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, Lebanese University

                      (L.U.), Lebanon.         







2016 till present:         Assistant Professor, Lebanese University.

2004 till present:         Researcher, Head of department of Social and Economic Affairs, Lebanese, Directorate of Studies and Information.

2003-2006:                 Sociology Teacher for secondary grades, The Arab Institute, Beirut, Lebanon, October 2003 June 2006.                            





Publication in English & French:

2023            Hala Awada, The Epistemological Paths of Academics in Social Sciences In Light of a multidimensional Crisis The Case Of Lebanese University, Lebanese American University, and American University of Beirut, within the project titled Économies politiques de la recherche en sciences sociales dans le monde arabe, séance du 17 octobre 2023             Forthcoming in Idafat The Arab Sociological Journal.                                             

2023            Hala Awada & Kevin Mary, Les entrepreneurs de l’éducation au Liban. Des acteurs politiques comme les autres ? Forthcoming in Politix. Revue des sciences sociales du politique.

2021             Hala Awada, The Crisis of Lebanese Higher Education or the Crisis of the Lebanese Political System? Pedagogy series, Vol. (3), June 2021.

2019             Lama Kabbanji, Hala Awada, Mariam Hasbani, Elsa El Hachem & Paul Tabar. Studying abroad: a necessary path towards a successful academic career in social sciences in Lebanon? International Review of Sociology, 29:3, 390-408, DOI:10.1080/03906701.2019.1672351


Publication in Arabic

منشورات باللغة العربية :

كتب وفصول من كتب Books and Book Chapters

  1. هلا عواضة ولمى قبانجي (محررين) أزمة الجامعات الخاصة في لبنان؟ تطور ومرونة التعليم العالي الخاص في لبنان خلال الأزمة. حالة الجامعة الدولية اللبنانية (LIU). فصل من كتاب التعليم العالي والصراعات المجتمعية في لبنان منذ العام 2019 حتى الآن،  باللغتين العربية والفرنسية منشورات دار الفارابي 2023.


  1. قراءة سوسيولوجية في تشكل الحقل العلمي، نموذج معهد العلوم الاجتماعية في الجامعة اللبنانية. فصل في كتاب بعنوان :

UN MIROIR LIBANAIS DES SCIENCES SOCIALES Acteurs, pratiques,disciplines,(Eds), Myriam Catusse et Sari Hanafi. Diacritiques Éditions



  1. التكوين على البحث وإنتاج المعارف العلمية حالة معهد العلوم الاجتماعية في الجامعة اللبنانية، المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسيات، 2019.


  1. المرشحات والصوت التفضيلي الانتخابات النيابية 2018، منشورات الأمانة العامة لمجلس النواب، المديرية العامة للدراسات والمعلومات. 2019.

ورقة سياسيات:  Policy Paper

  1. هلا عواضة وربيع بعلبكي، موجز سياسات تأثير جائحة كورونا على قطاع التعليم في لبنان، منشورات مجلس النواب اللبناني.

مقالات اكاديمية:

  1. جمهرة التعليم العالي وقيمة الرأسمال الثقافي في ضوء التعليم عن بعد، مجلة الآداب، العدد 10/100 نوفمبر اوكتوبر 2020.


  1. التعلم عن بعد والسرّب الرقمي: تجربة كلية الآداب في الجامعة اللبنانية، مجلة عطاء ومعرفة، العدد الأول تموز 2020




  1. قراءة في بنية الحقل الأكاديمي في العلوم الاجتماعية الهيئة التعليمية: التوظيف والترقي: الجامعة الأميركية والجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية والجامعة اللبنانية نموذجا . مجلة إضافات المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع، العدد (45) ، شتاء 2019

سلسلة "أوراق بحثية صادرة عن المديرية العامة للدراسات والمعلومات، مصلحة الأبحاث والدراسات في مجلس النواب اللبناني:

  1. خريطة جديدة لقطاع التعليم العالي: التعليم العالي العام في مواجهة التعليم العالي الخاص. 2018
  2. المثلية الجنسية المغاير جنسيا والمزدوج الجنس والمتحول جنسيا ماذا نعرف عنهم ؟ 2017
  3. الفقر في لبنان: حلول مستعجلة لأزمة بنيوية. 2017
  4. الجامعة اللبنانية .  2016
  5. الحراك المدني ما له وما عليه. 2016
  6. ترحيل النفايات من وجهتي نظر السلطة والحراك المدني: الواقع والبدائل. 2016
  7. واقع العنف ضد المرأة في لبنان. 2016






2023-                            Researcher of a project funded by The National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon and France Embassy, Research titled “ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR ET RECHERCHE AU LIBAN EN TEMPS DE CRISE”.


2023-                     Main researcher of a project funded by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the research entitled “The division of Domestic Labor: In light of Multidimensional Crisis”.



2020- 2022                 Co-coordinator of JEAI (Jeune Equipe Associée Internationale) LIBED         project funded by the Research Institute for Development (IRD) Paris, France.                         The LIBEDU research project focuses on the Reconfigurations of Higher                         Education in Lebanon.



2014-  2018                  Researcher of a project funded by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) Lebanon, coordinated by Lama Kabbanji from Centre Population et                            Développement (CEPED), Paris, and Paul Tabar from the Institute for                          Migration Studies (IMS) at the Lebanese American University (LAU), Beirut.                          The research project entitled “Academic International Mobility and Knowledge                          Production: The Case of Lebanon”.


2015-2016                    Researcher in a socio-ethnographic research on the social movement in the summer 2016 in Beirut, Lebanon, (known as "The Hirak"), which has been done                         by a research team, including myself. 2015-2016



2010 ----                       Research Coordinator, “The Active Citizenship, Gender, and Social Rights”, South Lebanon, Collective for Research and Training on Development – Action (CRTD-A), (6 Months). 



2009 ----                       Research Coordinator, “The Role of faith based Organizations (FBOs) in

Influencing Public Policy in Lebanon. Collective for Research and Training on                        Development - Action CRTD-A), Case study Al- Zahraa Hospital. (6 Months).                       Drafting the Final Report.


2008                             Research Assistant & Sociologist, Social, Health and Inter Community Development Project in the West Bekaa, The Social Center of Associzione per la                                solidarita e la cooperazionn internazionale, CTM, September – November 2008.                        Assisted a Social Mapping of the West Bekaa and Bekaa Area that included 43 villages.

                  -        Assisted the needs of Marginalized Groups (disabled persons, divorced, widowed,

                            and unemployed women) in the Bekaa Area.

                  -        Drafting Reports on the Assessment’s Findings in the 43 villages

                  -        Drafting report of the field research outcome.                   








Training and Field Research


2022 Apr:                                    Trainer at Hamzet Wassl association. Titles of the train ship: “Modern state, Civil society, and Capitalism and New Economic Agents".


2022 JUNE:                                  Visiting Researcher in Aix Marseille University within the Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement (LPED)


 2021 NOV/Dec:                         Visiting Researcher in Aix Marseille University. Within the Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement (LPED)


2018 SEP :                                    Visiting Researcher in “L’Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans" (IREMAM) 15 till 30 of septembre 2018.


2018 SEP :                                    Visiting Researcher in “Centre Population et Développement Université Paris Quatre” 2 till 14 of September 2018.


2013 JULY:                                   Trainer, in Lebanese Sociological Association in July 2013. Titled: Research Methodology in social Sciences: Mixed Method Approach: Quantitative and Qualitative.                              




Mobility Grant



2022                       Mobility grant from the International Forum for Humanities and Social Sciences to present a paper titled The Resilience of Lebanese Private Universities Toward the Complex Crisis the Case of Lebanese International University. Tunisia 20 till 24 September 2022.

2022                       Mobility grant from the Partenariat Hubert Curien CEDRE to afford a research visit to the Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement (LPED) Visiting Researcher in Aix Marseille University.

2018                       Mobility grant from the French Embassy and the French Institute within the French Program Grant of Short Stay for Scientific Research (SAFAR) in order to fulfill a research visit in the ’Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans" (IREMAM) 15 till 30 of septembre 2018.

2016                       Mobility grant from the Arab Council of Social Sciences to attend the 3 rd International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum Titled: The Future We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World and to present a paper. 10-14 JULY 2016, VIENNA, AUSTRIA.

2015                       Mobility Grant from the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies to present a paper in its 4 rth annual conference of social sciences Titled: The Universities and Scientific Research in the Arab World. Marrakesh 19-21 March 25, 2015. 

2013                      Mobility Grant from International Sociological Association to attend the  3 rd International Sociological Association (ISA) Conference titled Sociology in times of turmoil, and to present a paper. Ankara, Turkey, 12-17 May 2013.



conference and seminar Presentations



2023 May                   Presenting in the 6th  conference of the Arab Council for Social Sciences “Producing Critical Knowledge in the Arab Region Sciences” a paper titled “What does our Academic Institutions produce?” 27 May 2023.

2022 OCT:                 Presenting in the round table Women and Human Dignity a paper titled: Sexual Division of Work and the Illusion of Equality. Organized by the Middle East Council of Churches.


2022 SEP:                  Presenting in International Forum for Humanities and Social Sciences a paper titled The Resilience of Lebanese Private Universities Toward the Complex Crisis the Case of Lebanese International University.



2022 FEB:                  Presenting in the Discussing Workshop Unlocking Science a paper titled: Lebanese Universities and the future of Youth in light of A Complex Crisis. Organized by

Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (LNCU) & The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


2020 OCT:                 Presenting in Perpignan University France a paper titled “Higher education in Lebanon: towards a marginalization of cultural capital?” Organized by the MobElites Laboratory that auxiliary to the Centre Population et Développement (CEPED) October 16, 2020.


2020 JULY:               Presenting in the 21st Century Profiles: Student, Teacher, School Leader & Parents webinar a paper titled: Online teaching through Teachers Eyes. Organized by the Catholic Schools Groups.


2020 July:                   Presenting in the Online Higher Education: Experiences Varieties a paper titled: Digital Dropout the Case of Lebanese University. Organized by Lebanese Sociological Association (LAS) & International Network to Study the Arab Societies (INASS).


2017 June:                  Presenting in the International workshop titled: “Postcolonial legacies, scholarly mobility and research capacity building”. Held by The Orient-Institut Beirut, 15-17 June 2017, Delivered a conference paper titled: “A critical review of the procedure of formation in graduate and undergraduate studies Institute of Social Sciences (1990-2011) Lebanese University”.


2016 July:                   Presenting in the 3 rd International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum Titled: The Future We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. Held by the International Sociological Association. 10-14 JULY 2016, VIENNA, AUSTRIA. Delivered a conference paper titled: Graduates of Lebanese Institute of Social Sciences: which equality in learning, which equality in job market?


2015-2016:                 Trainee in a workshop titled “The Scientific meetings allocated to the senior cadres of Lebanese administrators” Held by Institute of Finance with the partnership of the French National School of Administration (ENA) 2015-2016 One working day per month.


2016 May:                  Organizing in collaboration with the Research Center of the Institute of Social Sciences- Lebanese University a workshop on the so-called "The hirak" the social movement which was launched after the waste crisis in Lebanon, titled "The Hirak a crisis of society and a crisis of power". 4 may 2016.


2015 March:             Presenting in the second annual conference Academia and Social Justice organized by Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship Arab Studies Institute Lebanon, a conference paper titled: Universities and social movements in Lebanon, March 11-13, 2016.


2015 March:              Presenting in the 4 rth annual conference of social sciences organized by Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Marrakesh 19-21 March 25, 2015, delivered a conference paper entitled: The crises Situation of Social Sciences in The Arab Area and the difficulty of Institutional restless in the case of Lebanon. 


2014 OCT:                 Presenting in the Colloquy "Mobility" organized by the Canadian Sociological Association of Sociologies and Anthropologies, Ottawa Canada 12-17 October 2014, delivered a conference paper entitled: Academic Mobility or immobility? Case of the Institute of sciences social sciences of Lebanese university.


2013 MAY:                Presenting in the 3 rd International Sociological Association (ISA) Conference titled Sociology in times of turmoil, Ankara, Turkey, 12-17 May 2013, delivered a conference paper entitled: Does Lebanese University Enable Young Sociologists to Scientifically Assess their Societal Challenges? Institute of Social Sciences. A Lebanese Case.


2011July:                    Presenting in The International Conference: Social sciences in Arab countries facing a     scientific multi-versalism: pathways, challenges and   constraints. 8th and 9th of July 2011, delivered a conference paper entitled: The Academic Formation and the Challenge of the Internationalization of Higher Education: A   Lebanese Case.


2010 June:                   Organizing, conference entitled “National committee for the Elimination of Political sectarianism” Held in Lebanese Parliament, Beirut 23-24 June 2010.









2022 till present                      Member in Lebanese Bahithat Assembly.


2022 till present                     Member of the administrative Committee of Lebanese Sociological Association Coordinator of Scientific Activities.


2013 till present                     Member in International Association of Sociology.


2015 till present                      Member in the Arab Council of Social Sciences.


مقالات مرتبطة

من نحن

مركز الأبحاث في معهد العلوم الاجتماعية رافق وجوده تأسيس المعهد منذ نهاية الخمسينيات.

لعب دورًا جوهريًا في الدراسات والمسوحات والاستطلاعات.

ما زالت تطلعاته كبيرة لبناء معرفة علمية قادرة على فهم المجتمع ورصد تغيراته؛ كما همه تطوير البحث العلمي ونشره من خلال : مؤتمرات، ندوات، تبادل أكاديمي مع المؤسسات الجامعية، اصدار دوريات، وكتب في العلوم الاجتماعية ...

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