أسرة المعهد

عبد الله السيد

د. عبد الله السيد

معهد العلوم الاجتماعية - الجامعة اللبنانية




University prfessor and academic researcher, with good investigative,critical and analytical capabilities and a practical approach to problem-solving.Always prepared to learn more.Self-motivated.Enjoys team work.A keen observer of national and international political and Social affairs.Accustomed to hard work.Capable of communicating confortably at all levels.




Doctor of philosophy in Sociology and Social Anthropology (ph.D) University of  Keele , Staffordshire , England , conferred on the 4th day of December 1993.Specialization: Sociology and Social Anthrpology (Sociology of Religion).

Title of ph.D Thesis : The Mosque and Friday Oration in Lebanese Muslim Society , A Socio-Religious study , Theoretical and Empirical. University of Keele , May 1993.


Diploma in Conflict Resolution, Department of Peace and Coflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2001.


Postgraduate Master Degree in Sociology and Social Anthropology, Lebanese University, 1987. Specialization : Political Sociology.


Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology and Social Anthropology,  Lebanese University,1985. Specialisation : Sociology of Religion.


B.A. in Sociology , Lebanese University , 1984.




English and Arabic.Fluent,with good translation from one language into the other. Basic French,but familiar with basic terminology.




Assistant professor of sociology and social anthropology(Maitre Assistant),Lebanese University,1993-2019.

Subjects Taught: Introduction to Empirical Sociology-Anthropology-

Taught and Society - Methodology - Research Methods and Sampling

Techniques -  Analysis  of  Sociological  and  Anthropological  Texts -

Techniques of Sociological Writing and Expressions- Basic Concepts in Sociology- Supervising Diploma and Master Degree Students.


Lecturer in the National Institution for social care and vocational training, helping social workers with structural and professional assistance,Beirut,1996-2001.


Expert in setting up a new curriculum for the Institute of Social Sciences in the subject of Anthropology,Methodology and Techniques of Sociological Writing,1998-2001.


Expert in Setting up a new curriculum for the Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education in Lebanon in the subject of Social Sciences 1995-19




  1. Western Literature on Islamic Fundamentalism,Publication du Centre de Recherches de L’Institut des Sciences Sociales(CRISS),Universite Libanaise(UL),Liban,N 3-Mai 2000.


  1. Plural Societies : The Challenging Process of Managing Ethnic Conflicts, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2001


  1. Introduction to Political Science,Publication of Al-Imam Al-Ouzai College,Beirut,2004.


  1. Impunity: a Religious Perspective, a paper delivered at the International Conference about ( Genocide, Impunity and Justice )  held in Beirut 22-23 April 2004.


  1. Translation into Arabic Language ( Muslim Minorities in Germany- Legal Perspectives ) by Prof. Dr. Iur. Mathias Rohe, M.A., Friedrich Alexander Universitat, Dar An-nafaes, Beirut,2003.


  1. Translation into Arabic language ( Muslim in Britain: Communal Identities and the British State ) by Tim Niblock, University of Exeter, dar-An-nafaes, Beirut, 2003.


  1.  الاسلاموفوبيا - مظهر جديد من تاريخ العلاقة بين الاسلام والغرب، مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية، العدد الواحد والعشرون، تشرين الاول،اكتوبر 2018.


  1. صورة الاسلام والعرب في الاعلام الغربي، المنافذ الثقافية، العدد الرابع والعشرون، خريف 2018



  1. خطورة ظاهرة التكفير على المجتمعات الاسلامية، المنافذ الثقافية، العدد الخامس والعشرون، شتاء 2019.


  1. Western Theoretical Approaches to the Political Order of  Muslim States. المنافذ الثقافية، العدد السادس والعشرون,صيف 2019


  1. On Methodology- The Production of Sociological Knowledge- Sociology as a Science and the Methods of Social Research (forthcoming).


  1. On Methodology- The Field Work- A Personal Experience (forthcoming).








مقالات مرتبطة

من نحن

مركز الأبحاث في معهد العلوم الاجتماعية رافق وجوده تأسيس المعهد منذ نهاية الخمسينيات.

لعب دورًا جوهريًا في الدراسات والمسوحات والاستطلاعات.

ما زالت تطلعاته كبيرة لبناء معرفة علمية قادرة على فهم المجتمع ورصد تغيراته؛ كما همه تطوير البحث العلمي ونشره من خلال : مؤتمرات، ندوات، تبادل أكاديمي مع المؤسسات الجامعية، اصدار دوريات، وكتب في العلوم الاجتماعية ...

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