أسرة المعهد

جوزيف شاهين

د. جوزيف شاهين شاهين

معهد العلوم الاجتماعية - الجامعة اللبنانية


Personal data

Nationality:      Lebanese

Date of Birth: October 1st, 1983

Marital Status: Married




2009- 2013                         Lebanese university                         Tayyouneh

PHD in Anthropology "Ethno botanic"

2005-2007                 Lebanese University                              Tayyouneh

DEA in Anthropology “Ethno botanic”

2004-2005                 Lebanese University Section II                     Rabieh

Master in cultural Anthropology

2001-2004                 Lebanese University Section II                     Rabieh

License in Social Sciences


Professional experience

2014-…                     Professor  at the Lebanese University – Section II -       Rabieh

2012-…                        Saint Joseph des pères Capucins

                                  Sociology Teacher

2011 - …                       Saints Coeurs Batroun                             “SSCC”

                                  History, Geography,Sociology,and civilisations Teacher                        

2011 – 2012                 USAID       LIM Program

                                  Sales training for loan officers , Workshops      “ MSME Loans “ ; “ Key Factors for Loan Officers’ Success “             

2010- 2014                        Institut Officiel Batroun                     “IOB”

                                   Sociology Teacher


2008- 2012                        Professional mutual-aid association          "AEP"

                                   Regional credit officer Batroon- Jbeil - keserwan "   Field studies "                               

2005- 2012               CIT Institute                                                   Dora

                                  Sociology, Geography, and History Teacher

2004-2005                 Lebanese University Section II                     Rabieh

                                  Anthropology Studies

  • “Rituel Symbolique a [Akoura]”

2003-2004                 Lebanese University Section II                     Rabieh

                                  Monographic Studies

  • The Electorate and the Elites, Democratic Practice in Lebanon, Field Studies

2002-2003                 Lebanese University Section II                     Rabieh

                                 Field Studies

  • “Le Mouvement Ecologiste et la Question de L’environnement





Arabic: speak, read and write fluently

French: speak, read and write fluently

English: very good in speaking, reading and writing



Field studies: information  Collection, Classification, and presenting reports on it

Interests and activities

Football, Diving

Music (Drummer and percussionist)

Travel and tourism


Available upon request


Ibreen - Batroun - North LEBANON


Phone +961 6 740 598

           +961 3 428 215

E-mail chahine.joseph@hotmail.com

مقالات مرتبطة

من نحن

مركز الأبحاث في معهد العلوم الاجتماعية رافق وجوده تأسيس المعهد منذ نهاية الخمسينيات.

لعب دورًا جوهريًا في الدراسات والمسوحات والاستطلاعات.

ما زالت تطلعاته كبيرة لبناء معرفة علمية قادرة على فهم المجتمع ورصد تغيراته؛ كما همه تطوير البحث العلمي ونشره من خلال : مؤتمرات، ندوات، تبادل أكاديمي مع المؤسسات الجامعية، اصدار دوريات، وكتب في العلوم الاجتماعية ...

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